Diversity and Inclusion

Fundamental Approach

Discussion by employees with different perspectives and personalities can lead to success in meeting diverse customer needs and providing peace of mind and confidence. Employees are the driving force that supports the Nittobo Group’s sustained growth, and each member of our diverse workforce is a valuable asset. Nittobo considers it important to create an organization accepting of diversity—an organization in which all individuals can fully demonstrate their capabilities. One way of laying the foundation for such a diverse organization is to respect and promote diversity and inclusion.

Initiatives for Women's Advancement

Maintaining and promoting a workplace environment in which women play active roles is an important issue for the growth of all employees, regardless of gender. We actively promote the hiring of women, as shown by the ratio of women among new graduates we hire, which has recently been around 40% overall and 20% for technical staff. In addition, the ratio of female managers has been steadily increasing, reaching 6.6% in FY2023. We have set a target of 10% for the future, and we are systematically training and promoting the next generation of executives.

Initiatives to Support Balancing Childcare and Nursing Care

It is important to create an environment where employees can balance work with childcare and nursing care responsibilities, and continue to fulfill their potential. We are implementing measures to support this balance among diverse talent.
Specifically, we have a childbirth leave system, childcare leave system, shorter working hours system, and nursing care leave systems. All eligible female employees take maternity leave and childcare leave, and many male employees take advantage of the paternity leave system when their partner gives birth. In addition, for employees working in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we offer the use of a nanny service to counter the problem of daycare waiting lists. We have also introduced a flexible working system for childcare, which can be combined with the shorter working hours system.
Most recently, we introduced a system that allows employees to take up to two weeks as paid childcare leave of absence, as well as a system that allows childcare leave to be split across two periods. These efforts resulted in 73.9% of eligible male employees taking paternity leave in FY2023. We will continue to enhance the system and further encourage male employees to take advantage of it.

Number of users of the leave system
Category Number of users (people)
Male Female Total
Childbirth leave system 14 9 23
Childcare leave system 16 4 20
Shorter working hours system for childcare 0 4 4
Nursing care leave systems 33 23 56
  1. Actual results of usage of the leave system by regular employees, semi-regular employees, and contract employees of Nittobo.
  2. Men can avail two days paternity leave (when the wife gives birth) and women can avail eight weeks of maternity leave each, before and after childbirth.
  3. Rate of reappointment is 100%.
Message from an Employee Who Utilized the Childcare Leave System
I utilized the childcare leave system for six months from June to November 2021. I utilized the leave system because I believed in the importance of sharing childcare and housework during the day to reduce the burden on my wife and allow me to be present for the growth of our child. Taking the leave allowed me to realize the hardships and difficulties my wife was having, to witness the various firsts of my child… those days were greatly fulfilling.
I am deeply grateful that I was able to use the extended childcare leave system because my supervisor and colleagues willingly supported me and followed up with me before, during and after my leave. I hope that my experience will set a precedent and, if only in a small way, help encourage my fellow male employees who are hesitating to take childcare leave.
Glass Fiber Division, Production Headquarters, Fukushima Factory, Electronic Materials Manufacturing Dept., DX Technology Section and Technology Div., Technology Dept.

Keita Okazaki

Glass Fiber Division, Production Headquarters, Fukushima Factory, Electronic Materials Manufacturing Dept., DX Technology Section and Technology Div., Technology Dept.

Employment of People with Disabilities

It is increasingly important for companies to employ people with disabilities. The Company already meets the legally mandated employment rate of 2.5%. (As of June 1, 2024, the rate was 2.56%.)
As part of our efforts to employ more people with disabilities, we strive to ensure safe working environments at our factories.
We have a work support office at the Tokyo Headquarters, and we are promoting stable employment under the supervision of on-site support staff.

Changes in the employment rate of people with disabilities
Changes in the employment rate of people with disabilities

Work after the Age of 60

A declining working population has become a major social issue in Japan, which has a declining birthrate and aging population, and it is estimated that the acquisition of human resources will become increasingly difficult. Against that backdrop, we will enhance programs and mechanisms that encourage employees to pursue careers at Nittobo for as long as possible. We are focusing particularly on enhancing HR programs and benefits, and developing a working environment to enable employees to continue working with high levels of motivation after the age of 60. We will also implement initiatives to make Nittobo a company that employees will be glad they chose throughout the entirety of their careers.