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Nittobo Group will advance sustainability-oriented management for the next century
The Nittobo Group celebrated its centennial in April 2023.
We will continue to advance sustainability management to earn the trust and support of our stakeholders for the next century.
The Group established a Sustainability Committee in 2021, chaired by the Representative and Chief Executive Officer. We have set ourselves a long-term goal of “achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.” To achieve our goal, the Group is working together to implement various short-term measures as well as medium- to long-term measures. In addition to promoting energy-saving activities, introducing renewable energy, and developing environmentally friendly products, we are also considering switching to new energy sources that do not emit CO2 as a medium- to long-term measure.
We will continue to place sustainability at the heart of our management and work to further enhance our corporate value and contribute to establishing a sustainable society. Your continued guidance and support would be greatly appreciated.
April, 2024
Hiroyuki Tada
Director, Representative and Chief Executive Officer