Sustainability Management
Fundamental Approach
The Nittobo Group is aware of its responsibilities as a corporate citizen and seeks to resolve environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues with the aim of "contributing to the realization of prosperous communities," a principle embodied in our corporate philosophy. We will create value and contribute to society through our business activities as we strive to enhance corporate value and pursue sustainable growth.
Sustainability Management Structure
The Sustainability Committee, established in April 2021, is chaired by the Representative and Chief Executive Officer and consists of all executive officers responsible for management divisions including the heads of business units, the President of the Research & Development Headquarters, and the Executive Officers in charge of the Risk Management Department and the Accounting & Finance Department, and the heads of major business locations. The Committee meets quarterly to deliberate on and make decisions regarding policies and plans relating to sustainability. Important matters are reported to the Board of Directors for active discussion.
Sustainability Committee Agenda for Fiscal 2021
- 1st Meeting
- Set 5 task forces
- Shared basic information on decarbonization
- 2nd Meeting
- Determined basic policy for CO2 emissions reduction
- Considered endorsement of TCFD recommendations
- 3rd Meeting
- Establishment of a basic roadmap for CO2 emission reduction
- Shared ideas on proposed CO2 emission reductions
- 4th Meeting
- Summarized the year’s activities and policies for fiscal 2022 activities
- Determined priority initiatives for each task force
- The Sustainability Committee was newly established in April 2021 to share the vision and issues that the Nittobo Group should aim for throughout the Company and to start specific actions.
- We revised our CO2 emission reduction targets for fiscal 2030, identified issues at our glass fiber production sites, and developed specific activities to reduce CO2 emissions.
- In May 2022, we endorsed the TCFD recommendations and examined the risks and opportunities posed by climate change in all of the Group's operations.
Key Initiatives for Fiscal 2022
At the fourth meeting of the Sustainability Committee in fiscal 2021, the committee discussed and decided the activity policy and priority initiatives for fiscal 2022.