
Fundamental Approach

With an eye on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and various other environmental, social, and governance issues, the Nittobo Group has identified materiality (important management tasks) that should be addressed in order for us to continue contributing to the realization of prosperous communities.

Materiality Identification Process

From the perspectives of both strategic CSR (that is, contributing to society by taking advantage of our strengths and through our business activities) and fundamental CSR (that is, preparing the structures and initiatives forming the foundation of sustained growth), we have identified seven materiality issues. In addition, for each social challenge corresponding to our materiality, we have sorted out the Nittobo Group’s risks and opportunities and are promoting measures to reduce the former and enhance the latter.

1. Issue Selection
  • Discussed the Nittobo Group’s purpose and value creation
2. Analysis and Plan Creation
  • Each business division analyzed its environment and formulated a vision for the future
  • Held multiple intensive discussions between the President and business divisions
3. Management
  • Discussed in depth by the Board of Directors with External Directors’ input and provided feedback to the business divisions
4. Setting and Development
of Materiality
  • Defined 7 materiality items
  • Developed specific initiatives to realize our vision

Risks and Opportunities Related to Materiality and Social Issues

Materiality Social Issues Risks Opportunities
Provide products and services that contribute to environment/energy Intensification of Global Warming and Environmental Issues
  • Formation of a recycling-oriented society
  • Acceleration of laws and regulations
  • Increase in environmental costs
  • Restrictions on business due to environmental regulations
  • Elimination of non-eco-conscious products and companies
  • Increasing demand for sustainable products
  • Expanding demand for composite materials to meet the needs of lightweight automobiles and aircraft
  • Increased demand for insulation materials due to stricter energy conservation regulations
Adapting to climate change and a resource-recycling society
Provide products and services that contribute to digital society Arrival of a Super Smart Society
  • Higher speed telecommunication (5G/6G)
  • Evolution of AI technology, arrival of IoT era
  • Decline in technological superiority
  • Replacement by other materials
  • Speed of technological development in the electronic materials industry
  • Increasing demand for devices that require high-speed, high-capacity processing
  • Utilization of the production system in Japan and in Taiwan, where electronic materials are concentrated
  • Opportunities to expand sales and develop next-generation products through first-mover advantage
Provide products and services that contribute to health/security/safety Societal Structure Issues
  • Aging society with a declining birthrate (in Japan)
  • Population issues, etc.
  • Shrinking domestic market due to declining birthrate
  • Business continuity risks specific to biologically-derived materials
  • Replacement by other diagnostic reagents
  • Global shift from treatment to prevention due to increased awareness
  • Expanding demand for diagnostic reagents in Asia due to population growth and rising income levels
  • Utilize three raw material production bases in the U.S.
  • Utilize the value chain from upstream (antigens, antibodies, raw materials) to downstream (product manufacturing and sales)
Realizing continuous, sustainable growth for the Company
  • Increased geopolitical risks
  • Intensifying competition due to industry reorganization, entry from other industries, etc.
  • Increasing sophistication and complexity of social demands
  • Accelerating the rate of change
Strengthen management foundation
  • Diversification of factors causing changes in the socioeconomic environment
  • Price fluctuations of fuels, materials, etc.
  • Impact of geopolitics and human rights issues, etc. on the supply chain
  • Selection and concentration
  • Capture growth opportunities through innovative technology development
Foster human resources for innovation
  • Decline in workforce due to low birthrate and aging population
  • Intensifying competition to recruit young and specialized human resources
  • Increasing diversity
  • Fluidization of the labor market
  • Innovation expected through human resource development
Continuously revise corporate governance
  • Expanding and refining CSR scope
  • Compliance and security in a remote environment
  • Permeation of corporate philosophy
  • Strengthening the corporate foundation by gaining trust from society

Materiality, Key Measures, and Relevant SDGs

Materiality Key Measures Relevant SDGs
Provide products and services that contribute to environment/energy
  • Develop new eco-conscious products
SDGs6 SDGs7 SDGs9 SDGs11 SDGs13
Adapting to climate change and a resource-recycling society
  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Implement recycling and reusing
SDGs6 SDGs7 SDGs12 SDGs13
Provide products and services that contribute to digital society
  • Grow profits through Special Glass
  • Strengthen development capabilities for new products
  • Strengthen solution capability to increase value for customers
SDGs8 SDGs9 SDGs12
Provide products and services that contribute to health/security/safety
  • Expansion of sales channels in the field of in vitro diagnostic reagents
  • Strengthen development capabilities for new products
  • Strengthen solution capability to increase value for customers
Realizing continuous, sustainable growth for the Company
  Strengthen management foundation
  • Lean management that is not substantially affected by economic fluctuations
  • Optimize business portfolio and review unprofitable businesses
  • Transform technology development and production technology through the introduction of IT and digital transformation
  • Maintain sustainability in procurement and the supply chain
SDGs8 SDGs9 SDGs12 SDGs17
Foster human resources for innovation
  • Cultivate human resources for innovation
  • Implement diversity and inclusion
  • Workstyle reform and business reform
  • Improve employee engagement
Continuously revise corporate governance
  • Continuously revise corporate governance
  • Thoroughly implement corporate ethics and compliance
SDGs10 SDGs16