Environmental Contribution Products

Fundamental Approach

The Nittobo Group is making full use of its technological capabilities and product knowledge to reduce direct environmental impacts using its products. In addition, through the use of our products as materials and components in our customer’s products we are also indirectly contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts. We will continue to actively contribute to the mitigation of environmental impacts on broad societal fronts.

High-Performance Insulation

Paramount Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a Nittobo Group company, manufactures and sells glass wool insulation used in homes and other buildings. Insulation is a material that contributes to energy saving by preventing outdoor heat and cold from flowing into rooms and by improving the effectiveness of indoor heating and cooling.
To strengthen measures to prevent global warming, the Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings (Building Energy Efficiency Act) was enacted in 2015. Since then, revisions have been made to expand and add content. Under a 2022 revision, all new home construction must conform to the highest conventional insulation grade by 2025. Moreover, there is an increasing need for insulation with improved performance and even higher thermal insulation ratings have been established. To address this situation, we are pursuing high-performance insulation materials. While maintaining the inherent fireproofing, high durability, and low CO2 emissions qualities found in the life cycle assessment (LCA) of glass wool insulation, we have developed products with insulation performance superior to that of other materials that will meet the newly established high thermal insulation ratings. High-performance insulation materials can be expected to improve insulation performance by approximately 30% compared to conventional glass wool insulation.

High-Performance Insulation