Climate Change Response

Fundamental Approach

The Nittobo Group is committed to promoting energy-saving initiatives and expanding the use of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gases, which have become a global issue. In addition, with the aim of contributing to the decarbonization of society as a whole, we are working toward reducing CO2 emissions through Environmental Contribution Products and decreasing CO2 emissions from the supply chain.

Initiatives in Support of the TCFD Recommendations

In May 2022, the Nittobo Group has endorsed the recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). In line with these recommendations, the Nittobo Group is committed to promoting the disclosure of information on climate change.



The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the Director, Representative and Chief Executive Officer, was established in April 2021 as a body to implement the Nittobo Group's initiatives to address climate change. The committee meets every quarter to manage the progress of activities, such as gathering information on climate change issues, assuming risks, formulating countermeasures, and planning internal education and awareness programs. Important matters that are discussed and decided are reported to the Board of Directors for lively deliberation.

Organizational Chart on Sustainability Promotion


We analyzed the impact of all Nittobo Group operations on climate change for the year 2030, with reference to scenarios drawn up by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and other expert organizations.
The risks posed by climate change can be divided into those associated with transitioning to a low-carbon society (transition risks) and physical impacts (physical risks). Assuming a scenario in which the average global temperature increase is less than 1.5 degrees Celsius or 4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, we have identified items that are likely to have a high impact with respect to each opportunity and risk. We will continue to review our action plans as appropriate in response to changes in the external environment and reflect them in such plans.

  • Social Changes
    1.5°C scenario
    [ Policies and regulations ]
    • Promotion and expansion of renewable energy
    • Implementation of carbon taxes
    • Stronger environmental regulations
    [ Technology ]
    • Conversion to new energy sources
    • Promotion and expansion of high-speed large-capacity communications
    • Increased use of EVs
    [ Market ]
    • Transition to a recycling-oriented society through decarbonization
    [ Reputation ]
    • Increased demand for environmental measures from customers and investors
    4°C scenario
    • Further rises in temperature
    • Increased severity of disasters
  • Opportunities
    • Market expansion (EV, communications, renewable energy, etc.)
    • Increased opportunities for existing products (thermal insulation, heat shielding, etc.)
    • Increased demand for Environmental Contribution Products
    • Increase in sales of products related to thermal insulation, heat shielding, and national resilience
    • Cost increases (energy, taxes, raw materials, equipment, etc.)
    • Restricted sales activities due to tighter regulations
    • Decreased sales due to alternative technologies and products
    • Procurement and operational risks, increased restoration costs
    Nittobo's Response
    • Promote energy conservation, innovate processes, introduce new technologies
    • Develop Environmental Contribution Products and raw materials
    • Implement recycling
    • Strengthen BCP and supply chain

Scenario Analysis (Details)

1.5°C scenario
Risk Classification Social Change Major Opportunities Major Risks Nittobo's Response
Transition Policies and regulations

Expanded use of renewable energy

Increased demand for products for renewable energy-related businesses


Develop Environmental Contribution Products

Increased energy procurement costs

Improve energy efficiency through energy conservation, process improvements, etc.

Introduction of carbon tax

Increased demand for Environmental Contribution Products

Increased demand for existing products such as high thermal insulation and thermal barrier products


Develop Environmental Contribution Products

Expand sales of insulation materials, roll screens, SSG, etc. and develop new products

Increased costs due to carbon tax

Improve energy efficiency through energy conservation, process improvements, etc.

Stronger environmental regulations

Increased demand for Environmental Contribution Products

Usage restrictions due to tighter regulations

Develop Environmental Contribution Products

Replace raw materials with eco-conscious versions


Spread of low-carbon and decarbonization technologies

Reduction of CO2 emissions and improvement of production efficiency through the use of new technologies

Increased costs from capital investment

Develop low-carbon and decarbonization technologies

Expanding use of high-speed, large-capacity communications

Increased demand for products that reduce CO2 emissions

Intensifying competition due to alternative technologies and products, declining market share

Create higher value-added low-dielectric glass cloth

Develop new technologies and products

Increased use of EVs and acceleration of fuel-efficiency

Increased demand for EV-related and lightweight products

Create higher value-added glass fiber for vehicles

Develop new technologies and products


Low-carbon society, decarbonization

Transition to a recycling-oriented society

Increased demand for Environmental Contribution Products

Increased demand for existing products such as high-insulation and thermal shielding products

Costs increase due to low-carbon and decarbonization measures

Develop bio-soluble glass fiber products

Expand sales of insulation materials, roll screens, SSG, etc. and develop new products

Costs increase due to recycling implementation

Utilize recycled yarn and develop biodegradable fiber products

Reduce waste through recycling

Reduce raw material costs


Increased demand for environmental measures from customers and investors

Expand businesses that contribute to environmental responsiveness and improve reputation among investors

Cost increases due to environmental response requirements

Develop Environmental Contribution Products

Promote environmental measures such as CO2 emission reduction, recycling, etc.

4°C scenario
Risk Classification Social Change Major Opportunities Major Risks Nittobo's Response
Physical Acute

Intensification of climate disasters (cyclones, floods, etc.) due to rising temperatures

Increased demand for products related to thermal insulation, heat shielding, and national land development

Difficulty in maintaining operations at manufacturing sites and increased disaster recovery costs

Strengthen BCP and supply chain, expand sales of products related to heat resistance, heat shielding, and national resilience, and develop new products

Expansion of existing diseases and prevalence of new diseases due to rising temperatures

Increased demand for in vitro diagnostic reagents


High-value-added existing products

Development of new products


Intensification of disasters

Increased demand for products related to thermal insulation, heat shielding, and national land development

Impact on raw material procurement, plant operations, etc.

Strengthen BCP and supply chain

Risk Management

The Nittobo Group's Sustainability Committee and Risk Management Committee are responsible for the planning and progress management of CO2 emission reductions across the Group.
In order to identify and assess the impact of climate change on the Group's operations, climate change opportunities and risks are identified, analyzed, and addressed appropriately by the Sustainability Committee and Board of Directors, as necessary.

Metrics and Targets

The Group has identified "supplying products and services that help resolve energy and environmental issues" and "adapting to climate change and a resource-recycling society" as important material issues. These are society-wide issues that we will focus on through our corporate activities, and we are working to reduce the burden of climate change and prevent global warming by improving productivity, carrying out energy-saving activities, using energy efficiently through recycling, and utilizing solar power. In order to achieve carbon neutrality by fiscal 2050, we will advance initiatives towards decarbonization through our supply chain through all possible measures.

Initiatives to Reduce CO2 Emissions

When the Nittobo Group formulated Big VISION 2030 and the Mid-Term Business Plan (FY2021–2023), we set a total CO2 emission reduction target of 8% (compared to fiscal 2013). Since then, we decided to raise the target to 30% in light of the subsequent COP26 and the Japanese government’s new reduction target for fiscal 2030. The decision was based on discussions undertaken by the Sustainability Committee. In addition, we have set the new target of achieving carbon neutrality by fiscal 2050, and are implementing initiatives to contribute to decarbonization throughout our supply chain.

Initiatives to Reduce CO2 Emissions
The Fukuyama Enterprise Center Adopts Solar Power Generation System
We installed a solar power generation system at the Nittobo Fukuyama Enterprise Center in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, based on an on-site power purchasing agreement (PPA) model.
With a capacity of 2,650 kW and annual output rated at 3,284 MWh per year, we estimate that the system will reduce CO2 emissions by the equivalent of approximately 1,600 tons per year.*
The Group will continue to reduce energy consumption by conserving energy and promoting the procurement and use of renewable energy, thereby contributing throughout our supply chain to the decarbonization of society in general.
* CO2 emission factor: Reduction assumes 0.488 kg-CO2/kWh
Introducing Renewable Energy

Site grounds of the Fukuyama Enterprise Center