Sustainability-related Data
Environmental Data
Chronological changes of key environmental parameters
CO2 emissions from business operations
- *FY2013 CO2 emissions: 349,000 t-CO2; per unit of consolidated net sales: 4.10 t-CO2/million yen
Air pollutant emissions
- *FY2013 NOx emissions: 852 tons; SOx emissions: 43 tons; dust emissions: 95 tons
Greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain (Scope 3*)
- *Scope 3: Indirect emissions outside of Scope 1 and Scope 2 (emissions of other companies related to business operations)
Industrial waste disposal and the recycling rate
PRTR substances emitted and handled
- *FY2013 PRTR substances emissions: 128 tons; PRTR substances handled: 2,881 tons
Withdrawal water
- *1 FY2013 withdrawal water: 8.83 million m3; withdrawal water by Nitto Beverage Co., Ltd.: 2.27 million m3; consolidated sales per unit: 103,700 m3/billion yen
- *2 Nitto Beverage was removed from the scope of consolidation in FY2022 and is therefore not included in the water withdrawal results for FY2023.
Water pollutants and drainage
- *1 FY2013 COD: 116t; BOD: 35t; SS: 48t; drainage volume: 5.31 million m3
- *2 COD (chemical oxygen demand): Amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize organic matter in water with an oxidant
- *3 BOD (biochemical oxygen demand): Amount of oxygen required for organisms to decompose organic matter in water
- *4 SS (suspended solids): Amount of insoluble substances in water
FY2023 Scope3 Category Details(t-CO2)
1 | Purchased goods and services | 100,716 |
2 | Capital goods | 28,566 |
3 | Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 | 45,995 |
4 | Upstream transportation and distribution | 3,576 |
5 | Waste generated in operations | 501 |
6 | Business travel | 351 |
7 | Employee commuting | 299 |
- Scope3 Reduction Initiatives
- Improve transportation efficiency in cooperation with suppliers and transporters
- Reduce CO2 emissions through glass waste recycling
Third Party Assurance
To bolster the reliability of this report, the Nittobo Group has received third-party assurance regarding the volume of our CO2 emissions and energy consumption from Sustainability Accounting Co., Ltd.