Message from the CEO

To Shareholders and Investors

In May 2024, the Nittobo Group launched a new four-year medium-term management plan, ending in FY2027. Under this plan, we will continue working toward realizing “Big VISION 2030,” our long-term vision for where the Nittobo Group aspires to be in 2030. That includes steadily reaping the benefits of investments made under the previous medium-term management plan, and investing in aggressive growth to allow us to respond dynamically to abrupt changes in the market. In addition, we have reorganized our corporate structure from three divisions to a system of five business divisions, integrating product development, manufacturing, and sales under each division. The aim is to achieve more responsive management with a stronger customer-centric approach, and to build new pillars to support our business over the next 100 years.

Meanwhile, to ensure we meet our environmental targets for 2030, we will not only reduce CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process, but also reduce waste glass and develop environmentally friendly products, focusing on initiatives for a sustainable society. We are committed to nurturing a motivating and creative environment for the Group’s employees, who are crucial for carrying out these measures, by facilitating human resource development and work style reforms.

We will keep generating business growth with high-value-added products, such as Special Glass suitable for high-speed, large-volume data processing, and in vitro diagnostics reagents, which are indispensable for maintaining and improving people’s health. These are unique products of the Nittobo Group. We will also work to create customer value to achieve our goal of becoming the global No.1 in niche businesses.

We look forward to the continued understanding and support of our shareholders and investors.

Hiroyuki Tada
Director, Representative and Chief Executive Officer