(1) The Executive Officer in charge of the Corporate Communication Department is responsible for general dialogue with shareholders, and the Corporate Communication Department is the internal department responsible for providing assistance thereto. The Company endeavors to have opportunities for dialogue with shareholders that contribute to the sustained growth and enhancement of medium-to long-term corporate value of the Company centered on Executive Officers. Furthermore, departments involved in IR activities centered on the Corporate Communication Department work to coordinate among departments on a daily basis.
(2) Nittobo Group is continuously working to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner to enable our customers, shareholders and investors to accurately recognize and judge the actual state of the Nittobo Group. In order to achieve this, we comply with laws, regulations and securities exchange rules on disclosure, and are engaged in the creation and operation of an appropriate disclosure system.
(a) We publish items specified for the disclosure in Japanese and foreign laws, regulations and securities exchange rules in Business Reports, Annual Securities Reports and communications to shareholders, and announce them in securities exchange communication systems and press releases.
(b) In principle, we publish information being disclosed on the Nittobo Group’s website, and also endeavor provide fairer and broader disclosure.
(c) We conduct briefings for analysts and institutional investors promptly after the announcement of quarterly financial results.
(d) We publish an integrated report that integrates financial information and non-financial information, including CSR, in order to provide a better understanding of the Nittobo Group’s medium-to long term value creation framework.
(3) Opinion and concerns, etc., about the Company that are learned through dialogue with shareholders and investors are collated by the Corporate Communication Department, reported to the Executive Officer in charge of the Corporate Communication Department, and appropriately provided as feedback to management executives and the Board of Directors by means of reporting to the Executive Meeting, etc. on a quarterly basis.
(4) Adequate care is given to insider information in individual inquiries and dialogue with the Nittobo Group, and explanations are limited to information that has already been published and facts that are well known.