Mid-Term Business Plan(FY2021-2023)

Nittobo will mark its 100th anniversary on April 1, 2023.
The Nittobo Group worked a Mid-Term Business Plan for four years, from FY2017 to FY2020 being the 1st stage of "Long-term Vision 101," which is a corporate vision that sets the target for FY2023 to achieve a sustainable growth for the next 100 years.
For the 2nd stage of the "Long-term Vision 101", we have formulated a "New Mid-Term Business Plan(FY2021-2023)" that is positioned as the 1st stage of the long-term strategy for the realization of [Big VISION 2030], the vision for 2030.

Long-Term VISION 101 / Big VISION 2030

Basic Strategy

Basic Strategy

Key initiatives

Key initiatives

Financial Targets

(Billion yen)

  FY2020 (Actual)   FY2023 (Target)
Net sales 78.7 100.0
Operating profit 6.0 14.0
(EBITDA margin)
ROE 8.4% 10%
ROIC 2.9% 6%
Equity ratio 53.7% 55%
D/E ratio 0.45 times 0.4 times

Environmental Goal

1. Reduce CO₂ emissions
Target for FY2030(compared to FY2013 levels, Scope 1+ Scope 2) -30%
Target for FY2050Achieve Carbon Neutrality
2. Reduce waste glass
Target for 2030Achieve a virtual zero of waste glass

Financial strategy

Improve capital efficiency by "improving profitability and efficiency" and "securing financial soundness".

Financial strategy

Shareholder Return Policy

Presently, implement shareholder returns with a focus on stable growth.
For the medium term, implement shareholder returns linked with profit growth by setting a target of 30% dividend payout ratio for steady earnings in FY2023 onward that is expected to go on a profit growth track.