Market for industrial base materials

Yarn, cords, and tapes

Yarn can be used for different purposes, such as tapes and cords, according to the situation by employing various types of yarn in terms of drawing, the number of yarns, color, and thickness.

Market for industrial base materials: Yarn, cords, and tapes

Yarn: Single yarn and multiple twisted yarn

A single yarn refers to a strand twisted in a single direction. A multiple twisted yarn is produced by twisting several single yarns together. The shape of yarns is made circular by twisting them together, and multiple twisted yarns are easier to handle than single yarns.

Yarn: Single yarn and multiple twisted yarn

Standards for multiple twisted yarns

Product code Filament diameter
External diameter
Minimum tensile strength N Length per weight km/kg TEX yarn count
ECD 900 1/2 4.4S 5 0.06 4.4 89.2 11.2 112
ECD 450 1/2 4.4S 5 0.08 8.8 44.6 22.5 225
ECG 150 1/2 3.3S 9 0.14 20.6 14.8 67.5 675
ECG 150 1/3 3.3S 9 0.18 31.4 9.9 101.2 1012
ECG 75 1/2 3.3S 9 0.22 41.2 7.4 135.0 1350
ECG 75 1/3 3.3S 9 0.26 63.7 4.9 202.0 2020
ECG 75 1/4 3.3S 9 0.29 89.2 3.7 270.0 2700
ECG 37 1/3 4.4S 9 0.33 125.5 2.5 405.0 4050
  • * The external diameter indicates the thickness of pressed yarn.

Colored yarn

Colored yarns refer to single or multiple twisted yarns coated with pigment.
The six standard colors are red, blue, black, green, yellow, and brown.

Major uses: Electric cable covering for identification
Example of product: ECG 150 1/2 3.8S LBE (blue)

Colored yarn


Cords are produced by twisting many multiple twisted yarns together so that the apparent diameter ranges from 0.8 mm to 6.4 mm. In addition to this, the SR Series, which is produced by twisting rovings together, is also available.
Varnished cords are used for the electric insulation of such machines as electric motors and power transformers, the core of heater wires of hair dryers, electric blankets, and rice cookers, and so forth.


Specifications (standard)

Product code Apparent diameter
TEX yarn count
Minimum tensile strength N Length of one wind
Weight of one wind
Number of cords in a box
SY 08 0.8 680 206 Approx 2000 Approx 1.4 12
SY 12 1.2 1560 471 Approx 2000 Approx 3.2 6
SY 16 1.6 3000 873 Approx 1000 Approx 3.0 6
SY 24 2.4 6300 1765 Approx 600 Approx 3.8 6
SY 32 3.2 10700 2942 Approx 300 Approx 3.3 6
SY 64 6.4 41600 11572 Approx 80 Approx 3.4 6

Multiple would yarn

Multiple would yarns are produced by drawing seven to 20 single yarns uniformly in order to make electric wire covering more efficient.

Multiple would yarn
Product code
ECD 900-1/0 1Z×α
ECD 450-1/0 1Z×α
ECE 225-1/0 1Z×α
ECG 150-1/0 1Z×α
ECG 75-1/0 1Z×α
EDT 17-1/2 4.4S×α
EDT 9-1/2 4.4S×α


Combined with varnish, electric insulation tapes are used as Type B to Type H electric insulation materials in motors, power transformers, switches, welding machines, control equipment, etc.

Specifications (standard)

Product code Manner of weaving Thickness
Density Tensile strength Roll length
TE 07 13 Plain 0.07 13 38 45 >333 30 10
TE 07 25 Plain 0.07 25 70 45 >531 30 10
TEA 10 13 Plain 0.10 13 28 38 >412 30 10
TEA 13 13 Plain 0.13 13 28 38 >465 30 10
TEA 13 19 Plain 0.13 19 40 38 >595 30 10
TEA 18 19 Plain 0.18 19 40 25 >839 30 10

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